Favorite sites from the CT PE Cadre
Feeling overwhelmed by the amount of emails with distance learning resources? Not sure which ones are worth your time? Here’s a list of some of our favorite sites and resources we are using.
(Casey Aiezza) www.heart.org/kidsheartchallenge - Must have a login. Click on teacher resource section once logged in. There are worksheets, lessons and activities all by grade level. Also have brain breaks, games and visuals.
(Alex Camire) www.sworkit.com
Sworkit: A totally free video-led exercise web platform and app that lets you utilize pre-made video workouts; or you can create your own exercise routine! Better yet, there is a kids section that has kid friendly workouts where kids are in the video doing each exercise. This tool lets you choose the length of the workout, provides cues for each exercise, and can be custom tailored. If you use the "screencastify" program, you can record the workout and post it for your students so they don't need to create an account
(Alex Camire) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvuT1Bjs2VSF0Yqahj8VAKBwyYFnLJIDa
Glenn Higgins Fitness: This youtuber has created superhero based workouts on youtube! There are over 30 already created, and each one is different! The students love to follow along with their favorite superhero!
(Jay Cebula) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2eEMDPxQVdD8mrt3Z121WCjv7bdZNEri Plyoga, Fitness for all ages... 20+ free YouTube videos that "involves no equipment and cures space limitations as it can be done anywhere!
(Mike Cebula) https://www.screencastify.com/
Screencastify is an ultra simple screen recorder that will supercharge the way you communicate at work. Record, edit and share HD videos in seconds. It works hand and hand with your google account and allows you to share and talk over videos/presentations.
(Carol Ciotto) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzGYBV_XQEc PE@home app which provides various types of resources. He also has a YouTube video titled PE at Home Activities and Resources:
(Phyllis Jones) www.openphysed.com . FREE. Includes units, lesson plans, assessments and activities that students can do independently online. Features elementary through high school. Appropriate for a variety of age groups and abilities. Text can be modified and edited.
(Shirely Hughes) https://thephysicaleducator.com/about/ His name is Joey Fieth and he is the creator of thephysicaleducator.com. It is easy to follow, thorough in his lesson design which has scaffolding teaching layers and assessment. Videos are available to help see the lesson flow.
(Tony Loomis) If you aren't on Twitter yet, now's the time!!! Search for the hashtag: #HPEatHome... ENDLESS free ideas for great ways to get kids moving. Includes links to enormous shared Google Drives full of information.
www.physedreview.weebly.com- This site has it all! 2015 Massachusetts PE Teacher of the Year Kevin Tiller reviews everything that has to do with Physical Education from equipment to books to technology.
www.thephysicaleducator.com - Canadian Elementary Physical Educator Joey Feith founded this site to inspire fellow physical educators to be the best they can be by providing high quality online professional development resources.
www.thepegeek.com - An invaluable resource for teachers seeking effective uses of 21st century technology in Physical Education. Australia’s Jarrod Robinson provides this information through his blogs and numerous podcasts.
www.pelinks4u.org - Informative links from all aspects of Physical Education are featured including Adapted Physical Education, Elementary and Secondary Physical Education, Health, Nutrition, Fitness and Technology.
www.gonoodle.com - Energize a warm-up or motivate students to learn a new dance step or aerobic activity using this visual and musical aid. All you need is a computer, broadband internet and a screen that students can see. Can also be recommended to classroom teachers to encourage students to be more active during the school day and improve student learning.
Connecticut State Department of Education Connecticut's Coordinated Approach to School Health
Center for Disease Control Healthy Connections Healthy Youth - Division of Adolescent and School Health
CTAHPERD The Connecticut Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
NASPE National Association for Sport and Physical Education